Examinations Results

Progress 8 +0.29 for this year’s GCSE students

DfE School Performance Tables show a headline Progress 8 score of +0.29 compared to the National average of -0.03. This means our students, on average, made more than a quarter of a grade better progress across their curriculum than those with similar starting points nationally, and our most able students were almost a full grade better!

They progressed to wide-ranging opportunities including studying the renowned International Baccalaureate, A Levels, and apprenticeships, and one student took up a scholarship place at Dulwich College.

Katie and Lucy Lucas.jpeg
Performance Measure 2022-23 Results
Progress 8 +0.29
Attainment 8 44.4
Grade 9-5 English and Mathematics 37%
Entering EBacc 79%
EBacc APS 4.14
EBacc 9-4 25%
EBacc 9-5 15%

Department for Education Performance Tables