Gifted and Talented
Our teachers have designed a curriculum that ignites inspiration in every pupil, encouraging them to envision their desired future from the very beginning. We believe in keeping our learners engaged and motivated, which is why our activities are carefully tailored to continuously challenge them. Our program for high-achieving students offers a wide array of opportunities, such as mentoring, university trips, book clubs, an exclusive lecture series, and the chance to pursue the Additional Maths GCSE qualification.
Our Science partnership with University College London connects our students with professors at the leading edge of scientific innovation.
Our Gifted and Talented programme is aimed at those identified to be the strongest academically in their year group. They are identified from their Key Sage 2 SATs results, and we also use Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs) to get a fuller picture of students’ potential.
We aim to support your child with a range of academic and personal enrichment opportunities enabling them to:
- Achieve in line with or above target grades by the end of each academic year
- Be exposed to additional enrichment activities outside of curriculum time and their home environment that is academically aspirational
- Alongside their families to understand the school’s provision and the vital contribution that families make to their student’s commitment to academic excellence
There are three strands that operate throughout the year to cater for High Prior Attainers:
Strand 1 – In-class differentiation
- There is an expectation that all staff will provide differentiated work that is designed to stretch students in all lessons
- Teachers will also use the same style of differentiation and language within lesson so that these students are aware of the work that is planned to stretch them
- Our knowledge-rich curriculum also ensures that students are clear from the outset about the knowledge and skills that they require to be successful in each year and across their five years at The Charter School Bermondsey
Strand 2 – Subject specific extra-curricular activities
- All subjects to offer a yearly additional activity (outside of normal class learning) for Years 7, 8 and 9 that is solely aimed at higher achieving students
- Homework is differentiated to stretch our Trailblazers
- Offer of ‘stretch’ reading or appropriate suggested cultural activities such as films to watch, podcasts to listen to or museums to visit as part of their Homework Grids
Strand 3 – Extra-curricular
- Lead teacher to put together a programme that stretches students outside of the curriculum
- All students identified as ‘HPAs’ in Years 7-11, should experience at least one extra-curricular activity per year that stretches them academically
The provision in place for 2022-2023 includes:
- High Prior Attainer Programme – Parents’ launch event
- Brilliant club for Year 7 and 8
- The Charter School Bermondsey lectures (once a HT)
- The Charter School Bermondsey book club for Years 7-9 (takes place weekly in LFT)
- University visits via outreach programmes
- Additional trips and visits within subjects E.g. King’s College London Maths School
Expectations of Parents/Carers
You can support your child with their studies in school, at home and beyond by ensuring they:
- Attend school each day & on time
- Give 100% FOCUS in lessons
- Complete homework on time
- Revise for assessments
- Ask for support when they need it
Do check in with them regularly. Asking them what they studied in the day. Check their books – are they working hard and completing all work including stretch activities?
It helps having their timetable in the kitchen so you can ask them when you get a chance
- Playing board games is a great one for competition, strategy and spending time as a family
- Encourage them to take up a sport or creative activity as an enrichment or outside school
- Take them to a gallery, museum or cultural venue – find something that may interest you both
- Engage them in current affairs, asking their opinion and encourage them take on board a number of different points of view
- Encourage them with their studies, challenge them to develop their skills and celebrate their achievements

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Careers Guidance

The Charter School Bermondsey is committed to providing Careers Education, Advice and…