The Charter School Bermondsey continues to be a “good” school

OFSTED 2022- GOOD rating achieved!!!!

We are pleased to announce that our school has received a good Ofsted report!

This is a wonderful accomplishment and we are so proud of all that we have achieved together.

This report is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of our entire school community – teachers, staff, parents, and most importantly, our wonderful students.

We are confident that this report reflects the high-quality education and positive learning environment that we strive to provide for all of our students. We are committed to continuing to improve and provide the best possible education for every student, and we are confident that with the support of our school community, we will continue to thrive and grow.

“We are so proud of all that we have accomplished together, and we look forward to continuing to work together to provide the best possible education for all of our students.”

“2023 promises to be a fantastic year with our move into a new state-of-the-art building and intention to join The Charter School Bermondseys Educational Trust.”

Marcus Huntley (Principal)

Read the full report here: Ofsted 2022 report

Key findings:

  • Pupils at this school learn in a calm and well-ordered environment.
  • Leaders and staff have high expectations of behaviour. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They are respectful to each other and to their teachers.

  • Pupils value the rewards system, and they know that good behaviour and hard work will be recognised.
  • Teachers know their pupils well.

  • Leaders have put together a broad and balanced curriculum. Curriculum content has been carefully considered and is taught by staff with strong subject knowledge.

  • Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
  • Pupils benefit from a very clear structure to their lessons, and from teachers who are enthusiastic about their subjects.

  • Pupils take part many different activities and new learning opportunities. For example, they learn to photograph the night sky, develop leatherwork skills, design computer games, and participate in a wide range of sporting clubs.

Community Bulletin 291122

Community bulletin 15th November

The Charter School Bermondsey pupils star in “ADA” – a moving film about Ada Salter as part of the Salter Centenary celebrations. The short film describes how the Salters’ work benefited the Bermondsey community: greening the area, enabling opportunities and encouraging high aspiration for all.

October saw the first screening of the Ada Salter short film. Our students collaborated with Ocean City Media and writer, Sarah May, to make our film “ADA”.

The film captures the achievements and legacy of Ada Salter through the eyes of her daughter, Joyce, as she travels through time witnessing the changing landscape of Bermondsey. From improvements in housing to the beautification of Bermondsey and opportunities for young women, our film celebrates the extraordinary vision and legacy of Ada.

2022 marks the centenary of Ada Salter being elected the Mayor of Bermondsey and Alfred Salter becoming an MP.

Sheila Taylor, Coordinator of the Salter Centenary, who introduced the centenary project to The Charter School Bermondsey was present for the launch, along with Graham Taylor, local historian and author of the biography Ada Salter: Pioneer of Ethical Socialism (2016).

Marcus Huntley, Principal of The Charter School Bermondsey said; “The school is incredibly proud to play its part in the Salter Centenary celebrations. We are committed to ensuring the Salter legacy continues through our history curriculum, ensuring pupils continue to engage in a fantastic range of enrichment opportunities including our new Ada Salter-inspired Chess Club, and placing “community” at the heart of our mission.”

Community bulletin 18th October, 2022

October is Black History Month and we have lots of activities planned for our students to recognise this. These include guest speaker assemblies, a poetry jam, themed lessons, music, art activities, face painting and themed cuisine at lunch times. Find out more:

Community Bulletin 041022

A massive 26,474 positive points were awarded to our students in the first two weeks. Year 7 were our highest scoring year group with 6595 positives awarded. Our top 3 scoring Learning families were…

It has been an incredible year here at The Charter School Bermondsey. Our first full year back since the start of the Covid pandemic didn’t phase our pupils one bit – they rose to the challenge! Read all about our summer term at Compass.

Our Journey – July 2022